Green Meetings


At The Queens, we understand the importance of protecting our environment and the planet. As global awareness of environmental issues continues to grow, it's crucial for us all to take steps to reduce our footprint and make conscious sustainable choices. Our Green Meeting Package is designed for those who are passionate about sustainability and are looking for ways to make a positive impact through their events.


Our package includes:

  • Plastic-Free Meeting: Our commitment to the environment means your meeting will be completely plastic-free.
  • Sustainable Menu: Tailored vegetarian & vegan only menu for your delegates.
  • Local Walk Map: Take advantage of our guided map for a mid-event walk, giving participants the opportunity to stretch their legs and explore local Leeds highlights.
  • Charity Donation: For every event booking, we will donate 1% of the event value (net of VAT) to an ESG cause of your choice or your client’s choice.


Make a difference with every meeting

Join us in making a difference. By choosing our Green Meeting Package, you are not only ensuring a successful and productive event but also contributing to a healthier planet. Contact our events team at to learn more and to book your sustainable meeting today.